Thursday, April 2, 2009

What should i get my boyfriend for his birthday?

I have been with my boyfriend for 6 months and his birthday is in May. I have looked all over the internet for interesting things to get him but everything seems too extravagent or not original at all or just something that is not really him. He will be turning 15. He is vegetarian and really into screamo music and he likes punk music too. He likes theatre and is not really into sports that much. can anyone help me think of somehting thoughtful and original for him because i have picked my brain and cant seem to think of anything good! Thanks!

The best thing to get him is ur company a gift is a bonus but if he has a video game system like a xbox 360 or ps3 get him guitar hero or rock band.serprise him with a kiss and a hug spend as much time u can with him. That is the best thing I no he will like that. I'm ganna be 16 in may and that's wat I want from my girl mostly all bf's want 2 spend time wit there girl on there bday. good luck

Are there any theatre events going on around your town? Maybe get some tickets to that and then a t-shirt of one of his favorite bands (try Hot Topic). Make the gift fun! And then write him a nice card saying how much you care about him, wrap the presents, and give them to him!

Take him to a play at some out of the way theatre - even an amateur affair. You'll both feel so grown-up. You could go out after for sushi just like real people after the show.

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