Thursday, April 2, 2009


okay so theres this guy who at first we were soo into eachother and i really fell for him but then all of a sudden he was like maybe its best if we dont tlk and then two days later hes like hi i dont know wat todo or if i should tlk to him or anything its like he hurt me alot by wat he did but i still like himm alot i miss him so much id know wat to do plz HELP!!!

It could be a lot of things, I'm afraid. Maybe he heard a bad rumour about you or something like that, maybe you dated one of his friends and he didn't want to get into it? I wish I could help, but it really depends on the context. Also, maybe he told his parents about you or something and he isn't allowed to be in a relationship? I would go for the direct confrontation, if you can, just ask him why he's been acting weird. Hope it works out!

You'll forget about him eventually, these type of things are your growing pains....... in a way. Gotta go thru it. Spend some time with your friends, or doing something you totally enjoy, or go to the mall. good luck

you can talk to him if you want just don't let him hurt you or take advantage of you :)


he may have just been confused

you may have inadvertently been giving him the wrong signals

Maybe he said this because he liked antoher girl while liking you.

but then he moved on and liked you again.

ehhh let him go!

he's not worth it!

you can definately find someone better [:

He has a multiple personality disorder...get over that loser and find you a nice guy...they're there...i think i might have found

if he ignores you or doent want to talk do the same maybe he will like you again

Looks like he has found a new soul buddy.Move on.

Just keep talking to him

Simple...He's not in to you. Move on


maybe he was being SARCASTIC

or just pulling ur strings...

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