Friday, March 27, 2009

Im having lots of troubles with some friends and ex-bf... what do i do?!?

ok so about a month ago i told you about my bf and him cheating on me... well he thought i was going to break up with him...and honestly i fell in love with him and i loved him sooo much..he thought it would make it easier on me i he just broke up with me so he did :'( and the girl that he cheated on me with is now dating him. I still talk to him and she knows i still like (love!) him. She is telling him to stop talking to me and EVERYTHING!! it so annoying and she hates my guts. we even used to be like best friends. :'( omg i just wanna cry. but another person is his best friend and they act like cousins. but ever since we broke up she has haaaaaaaaaated me. we were deff. best friends too :( now all she does is make mean remarks and it bothers me. i just want it to stop. oh and the thing where his new gf is telling him what to do...hes following what she says to do. he didn't even talk to me once! (well at least today) but he ignores me alot and it makes me really sad. i just want her to STOP and accept that me and him can be friends..... im in LOVE with him. i want him back :''(

as much as id like to tell you to do all in your power to break them up, leave him what will appear to be a final note telling him how much you love him and all your feelings for him and how you love him so much that your willing to take him back after what he did to you. just open your heart to him and ask him what good can come out of a relationship that came to be through cheating and itll just mean she can do it to him anytime... tell him to think about that and how hurt you are and only he can heal your broken heart. tell him itll be your last letter and if he doesnt come back then you are sorry for anything you did to have caused this and that youll leave him alone now and you think its best if he doesnt talk to you for a while. you have nothing to lose and everything to gain with this. try writing poetry or music during this time and hanging out with friends and stuff you couldnt do when you were with him. as horrible as it seems, everything will work out for you in the end:) Im honestly so sorry that this happened to you and youll be in my prayers tonight even though i dont know you..

Okay... you need to move on. The people on his side are clearly on his side, and were never true friends.

You are starting to look pathetic and needy, and need to back off. Try finding new friends, and pretend that all of them don't exist. It won't be easy at first, but it's best in the long run.

dude, that sucks!!!!! im sorry i have no advise.

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